Image of hashtag on a notebook with pencil

Everything you need to know about #Hashtags

Did you know that hashtags have a genuine value for growing your business online? They are a very important part of your social media marketing. If you know how to use them properly, the results can be fascinating and impactful.

You have probably seen hashtags on Instagram and Twitter, and we can bet that you had a chance to use them too. You may already be familiar with these, but having a guide on how to use them effectively can really improve your social media presence and hashtag performance.

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Image of social media icons.

The Ultimate Guide to Paid vs. Organic Social Media

Social Media Marketing is constantly evolving, and so are the strategies and tactics behind it. Before, social media used to be a place to connect with the people around you, a place to share your thoughts, events, or anything that you wanted to. Today, it looks a bit different, with the same intent but more purpose. Businesses have joined social media en masse with the intention to connect with their audience at their convenience, to engage and nurture followers online, where they feel the most comfortable.

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Image of floating cartoon icons on the screen of a phone, holding it with both hands.

13 Rules for Ethical Social Media Marketing

Have you considered the ethical issues with social media marketing in your business? If recent events have taught us anything, we know that what we write on social media is being watched, interpreted, and judged in many different ways.

What you post on social media represents and reflects back on your business. If you want to be viewed as an ethical, honest, and inclusive business, make sure your posts reflect this in an authentic way to you and your brand.

While social media is a more casual medium, it still has rules, especially for business accounts. It’s not optional for businesses to ignore privacy, diversity, equity, inclusion, and bias in their content.

Today, we’re going to share 13 rules of social media marketing ethics that you should consider adding to your social media marketing strategy:

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Yellow table with confetti and a gold medal with "winner" spelled out in dice pieces

Essential Social Media Contest Rules for Canada

“Congrats, you’ve won!”

That’s a fantastic thing to hear, right? Your customers and clients like winning contests. It’s a great way to increase your business reach and get people talking about you. But, it has to be done following the rules.

Social media contests rules in Canada are very detailed and the social media platforms you host them on have their own rules. Thankfully it sounds scarier than it actually is.

Here’s our guide to why your business should be hosting contests and giveaways on social media and what you need to know about social media contest rules in Canada.

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Hands typing on a laptop on a desk

16 Tactics to Help Prospective Clients Find You in the Research Phase

When customers are in the research phase of the sales cycle, how will they find you? 

The research phase of the Buyer Journey is a stage that all customers will go through before making a purchase (we discuss this in greater detail in a previous blog post). It is a safe bet that many (if not all) of these customers are doing their research digitally. 
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Pinterest open on a phone on a white desk

5 Effective Pinterest Marketing Tactics for your Business

Pinterest marketing – yes, this platform has come a long way from being a place to share recipes and interior decor. Pinterest is one of the most underutilized, yet effective marketing tools for businesses. 

But we understand the hesitation behind using this as a marketing tool. With Instagram, Facebook and TikTok being one of the most used social media platforms for marketing, it can seem daunting to learn something completely new. 
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Hands holding a phone open to TikTok

TikTok Marketing in 2020: How to Use TikTok for Your Small Business

When you think of the short-form video platform, TikTok, you may picture a teenager filming themselves doing a viral dance video. But dancing is just one of the popular forms of content being uploaded to the app that has taken the world by storm and is all over the news right now as we wait to see if it will be banned in the US or bought out.
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